TurnKey Investor Show – Episode 5
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss their real estate marketing strategy and tactics for their real estate portfolio. https://vimeo.com/21838111
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss their real estate marketing strategy and tactics for their real estate portfolio. https://vimeo.com/21838111
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss The Investors Roundtable Project. Guest Host Tony Centavo discusses his experience within The Investors Roundtable. https://vimeo.com/21008114
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss real estate courses, books, seminars, and workshops. https://vimeo.com/20945374
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss their views of various real estate investment niches and specialties. https://vimeo.com/20934598
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss the issues, roadblocks, and challenges of real estate beginners. https://vimeo.com/20906004
Matthew Chan & Wes Weaver discuss Wes’ rising career as a professional real estate investor and real estate broker. March 2011. https://vimeo.com/20867931
This post was first published on the MatthewChan Blog. ==== As an MBA alumni who became an author, I have been invited by Webster University to attend the Webster University Alumni & Faculty Authors Book […]
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